Omron R2 Wrist Blood Pressure

Omron Wrist

omron bp652If you are looking for a travel-appropriate blood pressure monitor, the omron bp652 offers accuracy and precision without the bulk of traditional upper-arm blood pressure monitors.
This is because fits around your wrist and travels easily in a purse, briefcase, or suitcase, but it makes significant strides toward the issues with the accuracy of wrist blood pressure monitors experienced with other brands.

What makes the BP652 more accurate than other wrist monitors?

One of the main advantages of his model over its competition is the averaging system. Rather than offering you a single reading each time you sit down to check your blood pressure, it takes three readings, one right after the other, and averages the three numbers for both the systolic and diastolic readings.

If you shift into an unsuitable position or otherwise make a mistake during one of the readings, you will still get an accurate result because of the averaging. You can also take your readings again if you notice something off about the numbers.

This model is also equipped with a technology that Omron calls “Heart Guide.” Essentially, this feature alerts you when your wrist is not in the proper position for taking your blood pressure. Since you need to hold your wrist at heart level for accurate readings, the Heart Guide prevents mistakes and allows you to more reliably track your pressure changes. Once you learn how to use wrist blood pressure monitor, it will become intuitive.

How does the BP652 help you monitor your health?

In addition to your systolic and diastolic readings, this blood pressure monitor also records your pulse. If the device detects an irregular heartbeat (due to poor positioning or arrhythmia, for example), it will alert you to that fact so you can take your readings again.

It also stores up to 200 readings (100 per person if you use in two-user mode with a friend or relative). This is particularly useful if you like to bring your readings to the doctor’s office so your physician can monitor your home use for any changes in your health.

How large is the BP652?

The dimensions for the Omron BP652 are 2.8 inches by 2.8 inches. It is less than one inch wide (not including the cuff), so it is easy to take with you on vacation, to the office, or around town. It also weighs only 4 grams, so you won’t have to worry about it causing undue stress while carrying it.

Despite its small profile, this model is sure to fit your wrist regardless of your size or age. The cuff itself expands from 5.3 inches to 8.5 inches, which covers a significant amount of territory. It is appropriate for children, teenagers, and adults alike.

If you always find yourself away from home, you will also appreciate the carrying case that comes with the BP652. The device displays the date and time for increased convenience, plus it works quickly to minimize time spent away from other tasks.

Does this model come with a warranty?

The BP652 comes with a five-year warranty, which is considerably better than most other brands and models on the market. The warranty covers the entire device, excluding the cuff and the batteries, and provides for either repair or replacement depending on the nature of the defect.

How does the Omron B652 compare with the B629 model?

Omron also manufactures the BP629. It lacks many of the features provided with the BP652 and limits other functions, as well.

For example, the BP629 can only store 60 readings in its memory banks, and it does not offer two-user mode. If your spouse or other family member also needs to monitor his or her blood pressure, you will need a second device.

Additionally, the omron bp629 does not have the same reputation for accuracy as the BP652. If you are looking for a reliable, accurate home blood pressure monitor, you would be better served with the higher-end model, especially if you have been diagnosed with hypertension or .

How can you get the best results with this blood pressure monitor?

When you receive your Omron BP652, take the time to read the instruction manual carefully. Watch videos online or practice with the cuff and monitor so you understand how it works and which buttons lead to which functions. If necessary, ask a friend or family member to help you work through the instructions.

You will need to sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor. For accurate readings, your wrist should be held at heart level until the reading has been taken. Furthermore, you should avoid eating, drinking, and smoking for at least 10 minutes before you check your blood pressure with the Omron BP652.

Omron Wrist Blood Preasure - Instructional Video
Omron Wrist Blood Preasure - Instructional Video
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